Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry SCP Holiday!

We wish you and yours a very Merry Holiday Season!!

Steve and Josh

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

SCP NATION - The Next Step

SCP NATION is a collaborative blog made up of several authors who are long-time online friends that Josh and I have made since launching Stupid Church People. Each of these people discovered SCP early on and have been with us ever since.

The idea of SCP NATION is for each of these very unique individuals to continue chronicling their journey of life inside and outside the church. With the varying degree of personalities I think the site will oftentimes be hilarious and in the next moment insightful. I certainly expect (and hope) that once in a while we will continue to be irreverent. Everyone is so different that I think that this new site will have something for everyone.

Stupid Church People (this blog and site) will not be going anywhere and I will continue to write here as I have done for nearly the past four years. This is just the next step in blogging for me, to share and work with others in doing what we've always done... seek truth, bring light to the darkness, allow people to share their lives with one another, talk about our struggles without fear of judgment or repercussions and above all...a place to be honest about who we really are, with no pretense.

Currently, the roster of authors I have invited to join me are: Josh, NinjaNun, The Pete, Dorsey, Senor Jefe, Erik (from Ping Etc) and Zeke. My idea is to add authors to the roster from time to time to keep the content fresh and the perspectives challenging. Come check us out and I hope you enjoy the new site.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Get Shoes Give Shoes

Each year SCP tries to get behind a cause to assist an organization or group meet the real needs of people. TOM's Shoes is such an organization. Sure, they want to sell you their shoes, but for each pair you purchase they send a pair of shoes to children in need.

Even though this company's founder was affiliated recently with a promotion by Ed Young, I'll overlook it... this time!! I just get a sense from the surface of what I've seen that his heart is in the right place. I still think the idea and principles surrounding what they are trying to do is a pretty worthwhile cause.

I bought a pair of the shoes and the whole process was really easy. Their viral marketing approach is one of the best I have ever seen. The shoes came in a couple of days and after breaking them in for about an hour (initially they were a little tight) they fit perfect (as promised). And the more I wear them, the more I like them.

I hope you will check it out and make a purchase. Helping those less fortunate this Christmas while getting a very good product for yourself or loved one has never been easier.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

God's Bailout Plan

So a church in Detroit actually had a service where the focus of the meeting was praying for God to somehow intervene in saving America's automakers. I realize that they also were praying for the employees and families that might be affected if a bailout plan wasn't approved, but there is no doubt they were looking for a miracle.

“We have done all that we can do in this union, so I turn it over to the Lord,” General Holiefield, a U.A.W. vice president for Chrysler, told the crowd. A vice president for the parts suppliers, James Settles Jr., asked those present “to continue your prayers, so we can see a miracle next week.”

Monday, December 01, 2008

Ed Young is PO'd

I'd love to know what predicated Ed Young's recording of this video speaking to his staff about "church pirates". I watched it a few times and the more I did, the more nervous I became. Seriously, Ed seems really pissed off in this video but he's trying not to act pissed off. Either someone on his staff just left and started a new church and took a few people with them OR (and this would freak me out even more) he got wind of someone on his staff planning on starting a new church, so he's calling them out without naming names.

About the third time through, the whole video reminded me of a Soprano's episode where Tony is making veiled threats while smiling and joking with you, while you laugh a nervous kind of laugh. It kind of freaked me out.

What do you think??