Tuesday, March 17, 2009


There are a couple ways to listen to and participate with the SCP LIVE show:

1) Just follow this link: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/43797. Press the "Join In" button and a chat window with streaming audio will pop up. You can listen and chat. If you want to participate (call in), you would follow the directions at the bottom of the chat window.

2) Go to www.talkshoe.com and download the TalkShoe Live software. After you download the app, follow this link: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/43797. Press the TalkShoe Live button. Connect headphones and a mic. Participate.

3) Or if you are not in front of a computer, simply call (724)444-7444 and use call ID: 43797.

SCP TALK begins April 1. Wednesdays, 7pm PST..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stupid Church People™ Defined

In case you are wondering how I define what it means to be Stupid Church People™, here it is.

You are a stupid church person if....

1) You go to church now.

2) You've gone to church anytime in your past.

3) You no longer go to church, but instead talk about the (C)hurch being more important than the (c)hurch as justification.

4) You go to an Emergent style church (this makes you a church person with arrogance feigned as humility).

5) You are a pastor, pastor's spouse, work at a church (unless you are the janitor), or have EVER been one of the above. (This is a guaranteed lifetime membership).

6) Have a book on your nightstand or shelves by Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll, Joel Osteen, Rob Bell, Tony Jones or any other pastor pretending to be an author for that matter.

7) Visit Stupid Church People™, or SCP Nation, or have listened to our podcasts, or are named Steve Chastain.