All Dogs Go to Heaven...
But not homosexuals.
Or divorced people.
Or people who masturbate.
You see according to many people, a dog has a better chance of getting into heaven than anyone that professes Christ and then continues in a "lifestyle" of sin.... whatever the hell that means. These hell-bound sinners include people who have proclaimed faith in Christ and then come out as homosexuals, or go through a divorce, or I guess, masturbate.
Listen, I am no theologian and nor will I profess to know and understand (or be willing to necessarily debate) the ins and outs of the Bible. I will leave that to many of you who enjoy and excel at that sort of thing.
I am just trying to figure out how some "church people" or those that call themselves "Christians" can say they know for certain based on any interpretation of the Bible who's in and who's out.
As I have said before and will probably say again.... we just don't know. That is, with the exception of our canine friends...unless they happen to masturbate too.
Or divorced people.
Or people who masturbate.
You see according to many people, a dog has a better chance of getting into heaven than anyone that professes Christ and then continues in a "lifestyle" of sin.... whatever the hell that means. These hell-bound sinners include people who have proclaimed faith in Christ and then come out as homosexuals, or go through a divorce, or I guess, masturbate.
Listen, I am no theologian and nor will I profess to know and understand (or be willing to necessarily debate) the ins and outs of the Bible. I will leave that to many of you who enjoy and excel at that sort of thing.
I am just trying to figure out how some "church people" or those that call themselves "Christians" can say they know for certain based on any interpretation of the Bible who's in and who's out.
As I have said before and will probably say again.... we just don't know. That is, with the exception of our canine friends...unless they happen to masturbate too.