Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Life Beyond Death

Being the difference in someone else's life, even in your death, is a precious and selfless act. Jason Ray and his family probably didn't realize what a difference they could make until Jason's tragic death.

I saw this piece on ESPN today and wanted to share it with you. It's powerful on so many levels. I hope you can take about ten minutes or so to watch it.

I have always felt that sharing my organs after my death was a very important decision and for that reason, I have made that choice for a number of years now. If you haven't signed a donor card or the back of your driver's license, consider that for a New Year resolution.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Take Christ out of Christmas

I have a suggestion for Christians.

Please take Christ out of Christmas. Now.

I don't think he would want to have anything to do with it to be quite honest.

While you are at it, take Christ out of the word Christian. Why? Because you suck as a representative. You really do.

So starting now, if I was you, I would begin to work really hard at disassociating Christ from everything you hold so dear... and you might as well start with Christmas. Oh, and your church...that would be a good idea to.

He's really better off on his own without you.