Life Beyond Death

I saw this piece on ESPN today and wanted to share it with you. It's powerful on so many levels. I hope you can take about ten minutes or so to watch it.
I have always felt that sharing my organs after my death was a very important decision and for that reason, I have made that choice for a number of years now. If you haven't signed a donor card or the back of your driver's license, consider that for a New Year resolution.
Jason = Jesus
If ever there was a simple yet penetrating vessel to what Jesus tried to show us, surely this is it.
thanks for sharing Steve.
Very poignant piece,ties in nicely with the true meaning of the season-"He Gave"-Hear,hear,Lowend!-you nail it.
My grandfather always told us to NEVER be an organ donor. He said that if we were ever on life support, they'd "pull the plug" more quickly, just to cut us up...
Of course, you'd have to know my grandfather to see the humor in that line of thinking.
Still, this is an interesting video... very compelling.
I've never been an organ donor... always seemed kinda creepy to think about. You've definitely given me new reason for reconsideration of the issue.
Have a Happy New Year. Be safe.
I think I signed the donor card when I first got my license. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't, but then you look at countries like Italy where practically no one does and people die needlessly because of it. Superstitions.
I think it should be the other way around; you should have to opt out of being an organ donor.
Josh -
Nice post... touching. I've always signed... I see no reason not to.
I've been enjoying surfing around your blog... seeing the journey you've been on. I can relate a bit.. and really think you're seriously funny... or humorously serious... depending on how you look at it. ;)
I'm glad you were able to break free from the church.. and hope you find peace in doing so.
I have a blog at, if you're interested in another person's story that is sick of "stupid church people".
Take care,
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