My apologies (for those who care) to each and every SCP podcast subscribers (if there are any left) for the lack of podcasts over the past quarter of this year. In addition, I would like to express to Josh publicly my apologies for not collaborating with you on the several occasions you have attempted to put together a time for us to podcast recently.
There are really no excuses, just my own reasons. And frankly, I am not sure exactly what all of them are... except one big one. There's always something to distract me or something else I would rather be doing at the moment.
Last night I was watching Kevin Smith (director of "Clerks") and he was talking about "writer's block". He said that it isn't so much a block as it is a preference to do anything other than be creative at that given moment. The podcast requires Josh and I getting together (which we do often) and coming up with things to talk about and then sharing it with you fine people. Sounds easy! However, when I think about the "record" button firing up, I just sense that nothing worthwhile will be recorded... so why do it? Plus, I would rather watch football, or re-runs of "Everybody Loves Raymond", or anything else that may be on the 700 channels of cable I have... rather than being creative.
Josh and I have said that we really need to find a way to record our cell-phone conversations that we have to and from work. Now that's some good shit! It's spontaneous, it's give and take, it 's highly entertaining and it's Josh and I at our "unplugged" best. Until that happens... well, I will just be sitting here flipping channels, looking for someone else to entertain me.
But Kevin Smith did say something interesting. He said he responds best to deadlines when they are given.... that it motivates him to get off his ass and finish the project. And I agree with this... so.... in that spirit, let me declare publicly that Josh and I will do a podcast prior to December 25.
This will be our Christmas gift to you. And as a teaser, Josh and I have talked about the SCP awards that have yet to be handed out this year. So, you can pretty much count on this next show including the coveted SCP Person of the Year.
Any nominees?