We Just Don't Know

However, it seems as if our conclusion is that what we are doing, the issues we are raising, our honesty about our faith does indeed matter....at least for now. Please don't look at this as a cry for you to say to us, "You guys are making a difference", or as an attempt by us to garner sympathy (yeah, like that is gonna happen). We are just at a crossroads of sorts...personally, professionally, spiritually...both of us seem to be at this crossroad together. So what's next?
Josh seems ready to "vent more" according to the recent post on his blog. He wants to call people out, confront them, express more of his anger at the church and those within the system that have hurt him. He feels that this process of honesty will possibly restore him in some way to "loving church people". I can't really speak for him so you should go read what he has to say. He should do exactly what he needs for his part of the journey. I applaud his honesty and join him in his adventure.
On the other hand, I want to simply walk away. Let bygones be bygones because I have pretty much exhausted my frustrations with the church. There is plenty wrong with the church, it's people and the system. There are still "church people" that do "stupid things". There always will be and I will always enjoy laughing at the stupid things they do and pointing them out...because the emperor really isn't wearing any clothes.
One of the things I have held onto for quite some time was that the reason I bitch and complain is because I truly do care about the institution called "the church". But I am not sure if I do anymore. Whether a certain church grows or not doesn't concern me. How a church chooses to reach people, while it may cause my stomach to roll, doesn't matter anymore. Whether a group of people labels themselves Emergent, Purpose-Driven, Evangelical, Baptist or whatever they choose... I could care less.
Do I think pastors should resign? What does it matter. Do I think the Emergent is a denomination or not? Who really cares. Should churches use marketing techniques to draw people into their community? Whatever. Should Tony Jones raise support? God Bless Him. What is the "real" purpose of the church...why does God seem so distant....does God answer prayer? Only God knows.
And that last answer pretty much sums it up! ONLY GOD KNOWS... and the wonderful thing about God is this....He really knows how to keep a secret.
It's a mystery people. This whole freakin' world is a mystery. We REALLY don't KNOW anything about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit or salvation. We have hope. We have belief. We have faith. We don't have certainty.
You may think you know...but you don't know know. And you know you don't know know but you are scared to admit it. I know I am.
The people I work with are more concerned with the mysteries of life than they are with the church. They contemplate the mysteries more than they do the church, because to those in the real world (and not this Christian subculture) the mysteries matter. They are the stuff of life.
What am I here for?
Why did my dad die?
Why did I lose my job?
Why did my marriage not work out?
These are the mysteries. This is the stuff of life.
How do you know when you are really in love?
How does my heart keep beating?
Why do I smile simply by thinking of my children?
How can I know if God is there?
These are the mysteries. This is the stuff of life.
We can read. We can study. We can discuss. We just don't know.
We can hope. We can believe. We can have faith. We just don't know.
But we hold onto that hope. We hold onto that belief. We hold onto that faith. We hold onto all of it because it is the only thing we have. Yet we really don't have anything. But maybe, just maybe we have everything.
We just don't know.