Pigs Trough

I just thought this picture was hilarious... for several reasons. But first, if you don't know Farrell's it was a really big ice cream parlor back in the day, and they are trying to revive it. It's famous for things like the ZOO SUNDAE and the most popular... the PIGS TROUGH. If you ate a "Pig's Trough" you got to stand up in front of the place while they made a big deal about it and gave you a sticker or something that said "I made a pig of myself at Farrell's!"
Anyway, back to this picture. When I saw it I immediately thought of many interesting captions (and comments) that could go with it, but I will leave that up to you. The one I placed on the Farrell's Facebook page is the title of this post. I thought it was short, sweet and was the perfect mixture of sarcasm and double entendre.
So now it's your turn.