Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where Are You in Your Faith?

The other day in an email exchange I was asked the following question:

"Where are you in your faith?"

This question was one I hadn't really considered in some time so after much thought and consideration, here is my short answer to that question.

God, Church, Faith - these subjects have been and continue to be the largest shapers of my life... much of it good and some of it not-so-good. By not-so-good I mean in the traditional sense. For example, I don't view things nearly as black and white as I did a few short years ago. For me, more has been learned from doubting than was ever learned by believing. So I am as thankful for my doubts as much as I am my faith. I know that this may seem nebulous, and it is that way for a reason. My life, my faith, my doubts...they are a part of this journey and inside each moment is a lesson to be learned.


Blogger Unknown said...

"...more has been learned from doubting than was ever learned by believing." I am so there. Thanks for writing what you write. :)
/Shannon @

10/25/2008 1:02 PM  
Blogger Hawa Bond said...

I love it. You basically summarized the last 2 - 3 years of my life.

I was married to a Deacon. I wanted so badly to be a "believer" and to do everything "right."

One day (Nov. 2003), he left me and his son to be with his girlfriend... and then my church home closed in 2006. Suddenly, I started to question everything.

I have a beautiful fiance who I met almost 3 years later to the day my ex-husband left. I still have no church home, but I have enjoyed two great years learning that some new questions are far better growth tools than a bunch of old, crusty (and often wrong) answers.

Doubt and faith go hand-in-hand. Adding beautiful shades of gray to a land of black-and-white has been great for this soul.

Hawa, author of
Fackin Truth Blog (Personal Blog)
Cleanse Master Remix (Health Blog)

10/27/2008 9:39 AM  
Blogger Tit for Tat said...

In regards to truth I read this little tid bit on the other day.

"Solomon requested wisdom, not that all truth be revealed to him."

I think that is a great way to describe my faith these days, just trying to gain some more wisdom. The rest seems to take care of itself ;)

10/27/2008 3:57 PM  
Blogger lowendaction said...


I think the place to be is that impossible region between accepting a spoon-full of 'mysterious' while forever questioning and digging for truth.

Fellowship is a key component to maintaining that fragile balance. Unchecked we can easily turn in to Speedothy's or bitter cynics.

I have yet to read any biblical teachings that tell me this Christ-like path is lined with happiness and contentment. Rewards somewhere around the bend, yes, but no promise of relief for the weary.

good times, i guess, is what i'm trying to say.

10/28/2008 7:45 AM  
Blogger SocietyVs said...

"Where are you in your faith?"

(a) In thought and contemplation, light years and warp speeds ahead of where I was even 6 years ago.

(b) In practice, refining the moral etiquette and my use of faith in my everyday life from work to home. I would say I am refining this area - I always loved the teachings so tried to practice them since 1992.

(c) In theology, diverse as I have ever been - and loving it.

(d) In discussion, learning and adding to the convo's.

The biggest thing for me in the last few years that has come from this is my ability to formulate good and honest responses to other Christians and doctrine I think is in error. I make stands based on what I know - but I realize that if I am taught - change needs to occur for growth.

10/28/2008 9:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm right here.

10/28/2008 6:12 PM  
Blogger lowendaction said...

dorsey, what are you saying? that you are correct as a conservative republican? Are you planting viral McCain adds on this sacred blog? Not cool man...Steve opens his soul to us and you inject politics...totally not cool.


I actually couldn't agree with you more. I think we can often be consumed by our past and/or future worries/sins/accomplishments, when the here and now is what really matters.

10/29/2008 7:47 AM  
Blogger Zeke said...

I'm just not there yet.

10/29/2008 4:24 PM  
Blogger JimmyBob said...

Trust in God has deepened as life has become more complex. My knowledge of the Bible has increased, but it hasn't clarified things as much as it has caused me to trust Christ more.

11/05/2008 9:44 AM  
Blogger jeff marshall said...

God, Church, & Faith... hmmmm.

For me, the more I'm around the church, the more I recognize my need for faith in God.

Josh used to always say, "I just want Christ". That's where I am.

I still attend church- a different one than I used to... and for the most part, I like it. But even though I enjoy some pretty cool relationships (and barely tolerate some real SCP!!), I have found that the church, as a whole, has become the greatest supplier of doubts in my life... the kind of doubts that don't really benefit me. The only lesson they teach me is how plastic everything/everyone can be (maybe that IS a benefit?).

I cannot tell you how many times my wife & I leave church services with this glazed, "WTF?!?" look on our faces (not always). So I guess church IS shaping me (in reverse??).

Still, thanks for writing this, Steve. The 'journey' is what it is. But it seems you're maintaining an attitude that will ensure you find your purposeĀ® in the midst of all of it... (sorry, couldn't resist!)

11/06/2008 9:32 AM  
Blogger Restless Med Student said...

I strongly resonate with your sentiment. It takes much inner strength and honesty to openly admit your doubts in the face of religious people who claim to have the answers- specially when you were one among them...

I used to be a bible zealous church going guy. However, today I am in a similar journey as yours. I guess I lack whatever it is that makes one trust God in light of all of the senseless suffering in the world. In the process of trying to make sense of theodicy, Ivan Karamazov's words to his brother come to mind:
"It's not God that I don't accept, Alyosha, only I most respectfully return Him the ticket."

11/07/2008 4:46 PM  

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