Ain't That America
If you have some time, watch this clip from the Bill Maher show the other night (just the first 6 minutes is what I am referring to).
Pay special attention to John Mellencamp's discussion with Maher about the nature of naivete and belief in America. Of course, I couldn't help but think about the church as they talked.
Listen to Mike Gravel as he talks about the solutions of empowering people and how that will decentralize government. Again, I thought about the church.
Am I the only one, or does anyone else see the correlation??
Please, let's only discuss these ideas as they relate to the church. Please, don't bang your political drums here.
Pay special attention to John Mellencamp's discussion with Maher about the nature of naivete and belief in America. Of course, I couldn't help but think about the church as they talked.
Listen to Mike Gravel as he talks about the solutions of empowering people and how that will decentralize government. Again, I thought about the church.
Am I the only one, or does anyone else see the correlation??
Please, let's only discuss these ideas as they relate to the church. Please, don't bang your political drums here.
I love the hypocrisy of journalists who tell us to be cynical about our political leaders. That couldn't be an attempt to detract from the fact that journalists often rank lower than politicians and estate agents (realtors) in the public-trust ratings could it? Particularly relevant to things in the UK where there have been several high-profile scandals that have revealed - shock, horror - that the media regularly manipulate, distort & lie to the public.
Of course, ultimately, it's all a question of trust. Despite a number of bad experiences myself, I think I'd still rather trust my average church leader (and politician) than the typical church member (or voter). They come under much closer scrutiny than the rest of us.
Basically, all cynicism is a (negative) judgement on other peoples motives. The cynic plays God by basically saying, "I know what yourreal motives are" - something that ultimately only God knows.
Living in a nation with a culture of cynicism, I'd gladly swap it for a good a dose of American optimistic naivety. Cynicism is demoralising, deactivating and discouraging.
I think I'm coming to a point where I agree with Shieldsy's last paragraph in a blue pill/red pill sort of way. I think it's better to look for the best and be paid off occasionally than to always assume that even the good stuff has a dark side. Cynicism is awfully tiring.
Steve, I think a great many political discussions have that crossover quality into church. I just read a book about the politics surrounding the Abraham Lincoln administration. The parallels between government and church, especially the issues involving manipulation of power, accountability and the assertion of personal will were really quite astounding. I guess, in the end, we're talking about two institutions that thrive on money and power. Is it really surprising that discussion of one evokes the other?
I think it's better to look for the best and be paid off occasionally than to always assume that even the good stuff has a dark side. Cynicism is awfully tiring.
Maybe this is a classic dodge, but skepticism can be a nice middle ground. Maybe just to avoid jumping to conclusions around others' motivations.
Keep in mind that mental and emotional manipulations in the church environment largely depend on an atmosphere of trust and optimism.
Maybe Reagan said it best: "Trust, but verify."
I agree, Zeke. Maybe consistently calling 'em like you see 'em is the best way to avoid the whole emperor-has-no-clothes scenario to begin with. Maybe.
all religion is political
I like one of the things they touched on… people fall for image. We are sold on image. It is true in the clothes that we buy; the labels on our shoes. It is true in the soft drinks we consume and it is true in the minister’s that we hire.
We (and don’t think your not one of us) are sold on image. We are naive and easily manipulated – and we hire the best of the best when it comes to selling an image.
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