Stupid on Steroids Podcast

This is the interview we promised with Shirley Phelps Roper from Josh and I decided going in that we weren't going to yell at her or try to argue too much. There didn't seem to be a point in that... and it seemed to make more sense just to let her talk. So we did... for a while!
Don't get me wrong, because in spots it gets pretty heated, mostly with her insulting our intelligence (or lack thereof).
Like most intense conversations, after it was over, Josh and I thought of a ton of things we should have or could have said to refute some of her ideas and scripture interpretations. But we didn't, so oh well. It wasn't about winning, because we weren't trying to win and there was no way she was going to let us win.
Immediately after finishing, I was exhausted. I fell down on the floor and laid there for a few minutes. Then Josh and I went and had a few drinks. You might find you do the same thing after listening to the podcast. One thing I have learned is this: Crazy-talking people will wear you out.
Let us know what you think.
alright. i'm excited as anything. i will let you know what I think...after having a few drinks
Damm Girl, it's only 9am.
Ah Scott, you must follow the rationale of Zec on this one. It's 5 o'clock somewhere in the world.
Man, you guys go from no podcast to this? Do you like to pee on electric fences?
I can't wait to get home tonight so I can listen to this one. It should be a classic!
Well I just finished listening to the podcast. I just can't believe this woman. I think I saw her on Trading Spouses under her alias of Margueritte Perrin! When everything was of the Dark Side-uh!
Hurricane Katrina is a judgement from God on the wicked inhabitants of America? Then later on in the podcast she boasts about how her group helped victims of Katrina? How does that work?
According to her, God sent Katrina and Rita as a judgement against wicked and unrepentant people. But then she turns right around and gives aid to those wicked sinners?
She's questioning the judgement of her God! If she followed her own logic and really did think any of those people as being smited by God, she should not have lifted a finger in aid.
They have been judged unfit to live by God. She and her peeps should have left them dying in the streets as they had gotten what they deserved! And she expects anyone to take her seriously? Puhleeze!
Couldn't agree with you more Jeff and Jenny. The interview has caused me to think long and hard about the points you have raised here. Much like it's easy to go after Hinn, Tilton and others like them....the Shirley Ropers of the world are easy targets.
Plenty of traditional evangelicals hold many of the same views as the Roper clan, just without so much venom. However (confession time) it wasn't too many years ago (about 20) in Texas where yours truly held many of the same exact viewpoints (again w/o the venom).... all gays were going to hell, people that weren't So. Baptist were questionable to call themselves Christian (especially those Catholics), fiction books and movies were "of the devil", and so on and so on... a real turn or burn mentality. It's hard to believe I had so much piety in my life. And to a degree, I can find myself still fighting it today.
I think the lesson of all this is to look at it in our own lives and to be repentant of our bigoted and un-Christlike views toward others. I certainly have thought about how it permeated my life in the past and how I still need to strive to be more sensitive, caring, and loving to those around me.
This whole thing reminds me of my stories of the days we lived in CO and my run-ins with the Taliban-minded Focus people and their cronies. Some amazing stories to be told... such as when I interviewed for a job with Focus....or "hung out" with some members of the board at Focus who went to our church... or the time.... wow.... I could go on and on.... I am pissed just thinking about it all.
God detests anyone who wears the clothing of the opposite sex (Deut 22:5).
Here's some things that called for the death penalty in the Old Testament:
* Having sex while you still lived in your father's house if you were female (Deut 22:21)
* adultery (Deut 22:22)
* being raped and not screaming for help if someone is in earshot (Deut 22:23-24)
* a child cursing his or her parent (Lev 20:9)
* taking the Lord's name in vain (Lev 24:16)
Here are some things that were called abominations:
* Eating the flesh of a pig (Isaiah 66:17)
* Anything living in the water that doesn't have fins or scales (Lev 11:10)
* Eating anything that creeps on the ground (Lev 11:41)
* A woman who is divorced and sleeps with another man, then remarries her estranged husband (Deut 24:4)
And check out these abominations:
* Dishonest business practices (Deut 25:13-16; Prov 11:1 & 20:10)
* Oppressive treatment of others and a haughty attitude (Prov 3:31-32)
* a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift to mischief, false witness, and sowing discord among bretheren (Prov 6:16-19)
Didn't hear many of these Scriptures from Shirley.
By the way, and this is a rather personal note: I came to a realization about an hour into her diatribe that there was a part of me that said, with absolute conviction, that if what she was saying was true then I would want nothing to do with Christianity or the God that created it. I guess that I would be like one of C.S. Lewis' hellbound creatures, locking the gate from the inside to keep heaven out.
Fortunately, she's full of crap.
My hat is off to both of you. I think you were mistaken to say that you accomplished nothing. I certainly came away with a better understanding. By refraining from a confrontational tone, you drew her out and got her to open up far more than I would have expected. That was a skillful interview. Well done.
The scary thing, as has been noted, is how normal she seemed at times. It occurred to me that Jim Jones probably seemed normal, too. So did David Koresh. Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were both said to be quite charming and witty at times.
From where I sit, Westboro Baptist's message isn't much different from Pat Robertson's, except Fred Phelps has never called for anyone's murder.
Zeke: Yes. That's what I am speaking of when I say that we thought of things aftrewards that we wished we would have brought up. When I was telling her that she was prooftexting her quoting of scripture - these were some of the things you list were what I wished I could have mentioned. But I am sure she had "the answer" for all of them.
Dorsey: Thank you. It felt exactly as you mentioned. I do not think she is crazy in a literal sense of the word. Worse than that I know she sincerely believes what she espouses....much like I believe that radical extremists such as the 9/11 terrorists are not "crazy" either.
I can't help but thinking that Shirley in her heart is truly without love or compassion for the lost.
If she really understood that God saved her, not by her own will or choice, then perhaps she might have true compassion for those who at this point of time have not been called from death (their sins) to life.
Personally I can't help but weep if I think to long about those who die in their sins, regardless if I know them or not.
Shirley knows the scriptures, and so does Satan. I can't help but think that she is being used as very active and effective tool of Satan, even though she "might" have a saving faith in Jesus.
Dear Josh and Steve, once again you have a produced a podcast that I think you've meant to be funny, but God has used it again to show me truth, especially when challenged Shirley on her interpretation of the scriptures.
Keep up the good works that God has prepared in advance for to do.
Yes, guys, great job.
I loved Josh's mostly ignored yet hilarious side bars.
As I reflect on the Shirley's of the world, my mind goes to Romans 8. Here's and excerpt:
1Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,[a] 2because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. 3For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature,[b] God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering.[c] And so he condemned sin in sinful man,[d] 4in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.
And here's the especially poigniant part that the Phelps-Roper-Freaky Florida-family just don't get:
15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.[g] And by him we cry, "Abba,[h] Father." 16The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. 17Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
I think you did a great job with that interview. Especially I liked the end when you told her she was going to hell if she doesn't change and when you were comparing her to the terrorists.
Her father must have brainwashed the whole family. It would be interesting to hear what the Phelps who's not members of the Westboro Baptist Church have to say about the whole thing.
Steve & Josh, you both did a wonderful job. Josh, I was surprised at your level of restraint. I wasn't sure who's head would explode first, you or shirley; but you both held in there. Steve, I agree with the posts above, you did accomplish something, you've strengthened our common view that they evangelical church is anything but evangeleical, they should be called the judgmental or pharisaical church instead.
One thing I was surprised didn't come up was Paul's confession in Romans of his own sinful nature and greatfulness for the forgiveness and redemption of Christ (e.g., the things I want to do, I do not do). I'd like to hear her take on this section of scripture. I'm sure she'd just insist on sceaming "repentant, repentant..." but this part always throws the legalists.
That was absolutely amazing. I found it very amusing (and touching, in a way) how at first you were so nice with each other (particularly the hint that she was being nicer than her god would have been). I found that very intriguing, and I also very much enjoyed how you warned her away from Hell... You see, I truly appreciate God's grace when I know that he even loves people like her. He's much greater than I am :D
Thanks Lance... I was wondering where you were.
As I have stated I was hoping to let her spew and not trying to argue too much (and when I did I am sure I flubbed it up) but nonetheless there was also the entertainment angle to be considered.
As for the word "prostitute" her version (KJV) has only one reference in the whole Bible.
And as you know.... she would have had an answer for any argument we would have brought anyway regarding it didn't seem to matter what I said (which was the point I was trying to make at the end).
Well, clearly, God has sent you a strong delusion, and as everyone knows, spelling is the first thing to be affected ;-)
Those references from Wicipedia (whatever) are really good. There is tons of stuff on the web about those loons.
Lance, your question about the warnings given to revilers: They believe they're speaking the Word of the Lord, therefore they believe their statements are prophetic...they see themselves as a modern day Jeremiah, Isiaih or Amos. You can't be guilty of that sin if you are a prophet of the Lord.
That lady is absolutely nuts. I wonder what she'll think when she gets terminal cancer? Will it be a curse from God for her disobedience?
The page on his son, Fred Jr., talks about how Fred Senior forced him to divorce his wife,Debbie Valgos, possibly by kidnapping him. While they were dating , Fred Sr. used to preach sermons with titles like "Debbie Valgos: The Whore of Topeka." If that's not fatherly love, I don't know what is.
Maybe THAT'S why the Phelps clan (if you will) are so angry at everyone and everything! That said, though: Like father, like son.
The Phelps clan is angry because daddy probably had a gay experience and later regretted it. He's turning his hate for himself onto others.
Sorry for the psychobabble.
The Phelps clan is angry because daddy probably had a gay experience and later regretted it. He's turning his hate for himself onto others.
That thesis is as good as any, at least for the self-hating part.
But I think this is far too much energy to spend on some fringe wackos who are better off ignored or, in the father's case, in jail.
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