The Obligatory "Da Vinci Code" Post

1) It's only a movie... it's meant to be entertaining whether it was or wasn' all of the Christians that think the "Christian Faith" hangs in the balance need to chill. (SIDEBAR: I'm banking that most that hold this view about Da Vinci Code also believe that marriage is under attack because gays want to make life commitments to each other. If you haven't noticed straight marriages have been messed up for years and it has nothing to do with the so-called "gay agenda".)
2) If your Christian Faith can be shaken, damaged or altered by a movie, book, work of art, song, philosophical principle, website, blog or Eddie and Eddie over at Edge of Faith... it wasn't much of a faith to begin with now was it.
3) If anything like a movie, book, work of art, song, etc causes you to examine, evaluate, investigate and even question what you believe... or dare I say doubt what you believe... it's a blessing not a curse.
4) On one hand, some Christians disdain movies like "The Da Vinci Code"... yet embrace fictional movies like Chronicles of Narnia and Passion of the Christ (passing out tickets and inviting friends to talk about it in small groups).... to me there is such an inconsistency in the whole thing it is laughable. Hey SCP... you can't have it both ways.
5) Finally... I didn't really want to write about the Da Vinci Code at all... but I am just hoping for a really high volume comment count and an opportunity for us all to chase a hell of a lot of rabbits.
So it is written, so shall it be done!
you know, the nun had a rabbit when she was a kid. not one with "big huge pointy teeth", though.
i bet davinci painted a rabbit. probably just kept it to himself. his little 2d friend he would talk to. probably up on the scaffold with him in the sistine chapel.
Cool. Sort of a Donnie Da Vinci Darko.
yeah, so what if michaelangelo painted the sistine chapel. where's your historical document to prove it?(heh heh)
so the mona lisa, that one actually started out as a painting of a rabbit in a dress. then somebody Warner said, "uhm, Da dude, it would work better if it was, like, a girl. you should work on this rabbit fettish" (Warner had ulterior motives) so davinci took a break and painted "a stary night" to think about it.
and you people about divorce: there are more reasons to why people get divorced than you covered and you advice doesn't cover them. what's really interesting is that i think there were arranged marriages in the bible times. maybe we should just go back to that.
nonotone - cool enough. vent it.
from your profile, i see that you're into reformed theology.(shameless plug here)
check out my smart friend dan on my blog.
I think its safe to say that, when the dust settles, this will have the same effect as other arts that "threatened the existence of Christianity" such as "The Last Temptation of Christ," Marilyn Manson, and other problems. When will the SCPs realize that America is NOT a Christian nation and the only way to change the nation is from the inside-ou?.
When will the SCPs realize that America is NOT a Christian nation and the only way to change the nation is from the inside-ou?.
Or the inside-out? ;) Probably never. They've been believing that lie for so long, reprogramming their minds would take too much work. (There are, more likely than not, exceptions to this, of course.)
Anyway, I personally don't give a crap about The DaVinci Code. I'll gladly address the points, though...
1) Yep, they do.
2) *nods* again.
3) I can relate to that...sort of. (Let's just say, in that regard, I don't recommend trying to convert little kids to Christianity.)
4) Don't forget Lord of the Rings! They praised that one, too. *nod* Anyway, I totally agree. I haven't seen Narnia but have seen The Passion (aka Mel Gibson's Crucifixion Obsession Extravaganza). I didn't like it. Too much emphasis on Christ's death, too little on his teachings, IMO.
5) Well, unless someone commented while I was typing this, mine is the 14th comment on this post, so you're well on your way! :)
I guess my answers are going to qualify me as a SCP. Still you wouldn't want a Blog read by people who agree with everything you say, would you?
1) You seem to go in for caricature a lot. Don't think that 1 film will cause the downfall of Christianity or cause the faith to hang in the balance. However films do have a cumulative effect on the culture ... the backwash on the cultural canvas. Yours is the same sort of argument we hear all the time ... "Well I've watched porn and I'm not a rapist/murderer etc".
2) My faith isn't going to be shaken. But the confidence of conspiracy theorists will probably be bolstered. And for a whole lot of other people boundaries will have been blurred.
3) I agree (with some constraints!)
4) Difference between DVC and the others you mention is the deliberate blurring of fact & fiction in DVC. And why can't we have it both ways (opportunity for innuendo for those so inclined)? Why can't we encourage/promote/utilise those things that are potentially advantageous and do the opposite to those that aren't? Incidentally Shelly, reason it emphasised the Christ's death is because it was called the "Passion of Christ" not the "Life of Christ" ... the clue was in the title all along!
5) Doh ... I took the bait. Guess I really am a SCP! ;o)
I will probably wait for DVC to come out on DVD. I like the conspiracy theme, but of course, I believe in UFO's and that there was a second shooter in JFK's assissnation.
I went to see the Da Vinci Code today, sadly X Men 3 was showing so I went to see that instead...and thats all I can say on the matter..if you go and see it stay till the credits end, there is one more scene...XMen that is, not Da Vinci Code.
What I find funny is this, that we are actually talking about people who think this will bring out some kind of curse on the church.
In my opinion, I think the church is already cursed....
(Oh Brotha, if thou can giveth thou moneith to thy churcha, thou will be blesseda by Goda).
I know this is to late, but it would ahve been a brilliant idea last weekend....boycott those that are boycotting the film.
We could have all showed up at the theaters, drinking and calling them stupid.
Would have been a great time.
First, to the commenter who addressed me:
I'm not an idiot. I know what the movie was called. But my comments stand. IMO, there is also "passion" in what Christ taught; but, to me, the movie focused too much on his death and very little on everything else (just one little scene with Christ on the Beatitudes).
Second, to Erin, like I said, I don't really care about this, either.
Last I should point out that I'm also a SCP--only, for me, the "S" stands for "skeptical" instead of "stupid".
Sorry that you took the comment as a slight on your intelligence. Just pointing out that "Passion" in this particular context specifically refers to the events around the crucifixion ... hence "Passion Week" or "Passion Plays".
c.l., what one this site or, more spcifically, this post, are you referring to?
glad to see that commenters still read other stuff on a site to understand what it's about before commenting.
This is a cool website. Thanks for doing this.
I've got you all beat. I blogged about this way back in February. (please excuse the wonky code).
So there! (pbbbbbt!) :p
Sorry that you took the comment as a slight on your intelligence.
Oh come on, that's not a real apology! You can't apologize for how someone else "took" something!
But you have to admit, it's ironic that you refer to the NT as "cannon-ical." [/grin]
that was hilarious.
Dude, well written, well said.
Tom Hanks in hair extensions is more of a turn off than the fictitious story.
Read the book saw the movie. Amen.
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