Thursday, February 16, 2006

Things You Can't Take With You

There are things you can't take with you when you move.

Memories: The house I moved from represented all that is right with what it means to be a family. Things like commitments, motivation, hard work, team effort, sacrifice, struggle...all of these are fond memories I will have of this home. Our second son was born in this house. Our first son became a young man here. This home was full of memories that cause me to be thankful for every moment I am alive.

Emotions: There were struggles as I have mentioned above. These "tough times" have led me to experience emotions that I thought did not exist for me. It has put me in touch with myself and my inner workings that have frightened me at times, yet made me know that I am fully alive as one of God's creations. There were happy emotions as well. Seeing my youngest born, watching my oldest develop and ask the "hard questions", experiencing the excitement of beginning my own business, watching birthdays, Christmas mornings... oh and I turned 40 here. Now that was emotional.

Faith: In this house my faith ran the gamut. As far as church goes, I went from not attending church, to finding a church, to not attending church again all in a matter of those nearly seven years. Stupid Church People was started here and it literally saved my life as I have mentioned before. SCP gave me back my voice within this madness and allowed me to share with others my struggles, my pain, my victories, my faith...whether they cared or not...whether they liked it or not.

The picture above epitomizes "those things you can't take with you". As I was moving the last few items out of the garage, I happened by a wall that is somewhat hidden that I had nearly forgot about. As you can tell, it is a place where we marked the growth of my oldest son from shortly after we moved in (after he turned five) until just prior to him turning nine. It hit me then, "There are some things you just can't take with you." So I snapped this photo.

These markers could well represent my own growth and that of my family. While we experienced much in our time within the walls of this house, one thing that showed steady growth was the depth of our love for each other. Whether it is in good times or bad, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.... I do know without a shadow of a doubt that we love one another in a deeper, more meaningful way now more than ever.

And I know one more thing: Changing addresses will not change our love as a family.

I love you guys.


Blogger Bill Heroman said...

SCP gave me back my voice within this madness

Praise the Lord, Steve. I do believe that's a very important thing... to be able to speak about the seeming 'madness' and have SOMEONE out here say, yeah, you're not (totally) crazy! :)

Keep on hanging onto Him. Even no matter what "house" you're in (or not in)!

2/16/2006 8:09 PM  
Blogger Zecryphon said...

Steve, your words move me man! But, maybe it's too early in the morning, but I disagree about not being able to take things with you.

Everything you've mentioned about your struggles, your boys' lives, everything that happened in your previous home are recalled from memory. You can recall anything you want from your memory. I'll bet you remember making each mark on that wall in your garage. I'll be you remember teaching your son how to ride a bike, and playing catch and hide and seek and all those other things parents do with their children.

You can revisit any event that took place there, from within your mind. There are people I went to high school with that I haven't seen in 15 years, but I can visit with them anytime I want by closing my eyes and remembering.

I can walk through the house in IL where I spent the first ten years of my life, or my house in CT where I spent the next 18 years of my life, anytime I want, because of the memories I have taken with me.

I believe our memory is a gift from God. He gave it to each one of us, so all those wonderful things you've mentioned in your post, could go with you and remind you of all your wonderful blessings.

2/17/2006 5:24 AM  
Blogger Zeke said...

I've got a drywall knife you can borrow.

2/17/2006 6:03 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Bill: Oh I do feel crazy at times.

Zec: Thanks for the words of encouragement. Yes I realize the power of the mind to "transport" us back to times and places and to allow us to feel and experience those times. I guess I was actually referring to the things that we cannot physically move or take...but yet are still just as tangible. I probably didn't express myself accurately.

Zeke: You know, I thought about that, but the people were already moving their stuff into the house and I figured it might look strange me hacking at the wall with my knife...

2/17/2006 5:33 PM  
Blogger Bruce_Almighty said...

Steve, my heart aches this morning for you and your family.

2/20/2006 5:57 AM  
Blogger Theophileous said...

Steve, your words, thoughts memories moved me! Thanks.

3/02/2006 1:59 PM  

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