'06 on the Horizon
2005 sucked.
They (whoever the hell they are) say that crisis, pain and struggle are the things used in our life to help us learn, grow and get stronger. Well, I am going to be the smartest, biggest and toughest m-f-er in the world. By the end of December I expect to be one bad-ass dude.
But now I am ready to turn the page. I know that there is no "real" difference between December 31 and January 1. It's just another tick of the clock, a change in numbers... but for me this new year more than ever marks a change of mental and spiritual attitude.
Here's some things I am thinking heading into 2006:
1. SIMPLIFY. I am going to strip my life of unneccessary entanglements or burdens. I am only going to accept the essentials in my life. No this doesn't mean getting rid of cable TV... you think I have gone nuts? Nope. I am just wanting to try to live life more simply in 2006. When faced with a decision to make, I am going to ask first which choice will lead to simplicity in me and my kids life.
2. TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I am going to work on me in 2006. Physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.... it's time to take care of me.
3. LOVE MY KIDS MORE. In simplifying my life and my choices I am hoping it will help me spend more time with my children and focus on them and their needs. In taking care of myself I hope I will in turn give them a better daddy than they had in '05.
4. LIVE WITH DIGNITY. In many ways it is like 2005 was boot camp for the rest of my life. Having many of the ideals stripped away in my life, I have seen a fresh perspective. It is like the world is raw and relationships carry no more masks. I refuse to be defined by the labels others might try to place on me. This is my life and I will live it, love it and share it as I see fit.
5. HIT IT HARD. It is time to conquer the childish ideas and beliefs we have about life, love, relationships, God, faith.... most things we hold dear. I don't believe the BS anymore... mine or anybody else's. The church especially is full of "childish" thinking and continues patterns and practices that are "status quo" dressed up to look like "cutting edge". When I see it... I am going to "hit it" and hit it hard.
I am looking forward to these changes in my life.
Thank you all for your love, support and prayers in 2005. I couldn't have imagined handling all that has occurred this year without you, my online family and friends. You have been there for me... and I appreciate you all.