SCP Sightings

Check out some of the recent "Stupid Church People" sightings. Whenever I see something "stupid" I try to document it. From time to time, we plan on sharing those things with you. We feel it is our it is just really, really fun to point out the "stupid" things among us. It gives even more pleasure to find church people being stupid...Josh and I included.
Some things I find are funny stupid and then other things are scary stupid. But it's all stupid. So check out the recent pics here at SCP Extras .
By the way, you are all official "SCP Deputies" and I commission you to find the stupid things around you that church people do, take a picture and email it to us. We will share it on our site with the world.
You haven't even begun to scratch the surface. Do you guys have "Christian Yellow Pages" or "The Shepherd's Guide" directories to Christian businesses? Just what everybody needs, a Christian septic system service.
These directories are actually pretty useful tools to locate all the useless tools with whom you never want to do business.
The radio jingle is the best: "Pick up the Shepherd's Guide...and let the Shepherd guide you!"
okay, i guess i'm gonna have to start totting my camera with me all the time now :)
oh my dear lord that was funny!! "testamint"? i'm still wiping away the tears from laughing so hard :)
I will be posting my "testamint" wrapper soon... it is an archived collection I haven't scanned in yet....don't worry it is coming!
SC hit the nail on the head with one thing wrong with Christian bookstores...the lack of really good Christian books like Eugene Peterson. It's also hard to find anything of real substance in my opinion.
They tend to put really large book displays with Pres. Bush's face all over them. They also tend to pimp out all sort of products to make a buck. Of course if there wasn't a market for it they wouldn't sell anything. So the stores aren't a problem I's just another business in the marketplace. The problem for me is what they represent.
I know you guys don't want to turn SCP into a cash machine, but couldn't we raise some bucks for Africa or something by selling WWJD beer mugs and ashtrays? What about a flask for Josh's suit coat pocket that with the "by my spirit" verse on it? Maybe a Purpose-Driven line of marital aids?
"I swear our local X'n bookstore sells them. You just can't make up stuff like that... "
the sad thing is, i don't doubt it... but that's probably why it's so damn funny :)
hey steve, did you get the t-shirt pics i sent ya?
Laura, to continue a little... I hate the whole segmenting of society into sacred vs. secular. And Christian bookstores epitomize that. I understand the need for a category of books directed at spirituality and even Christianity, but a whole store.
So what would happen if there were no Christian bookstores? The Christian stuff of substance and relevance to society would rise to the top and be available in all Barnes and Noble. See I have no trouble with bookstores owned by I think our local Xian bookstore should also sell the secular stuff. Now that would be a concept.
And no, I haven't read "Run with Horses". I will have to check it out. I have read a few of his books...he's a pretty amazing writer and pastor.
Oh good lord, what next?
I wonder if they only accept pets that are born again? And if so, did these pets correctly site the "sinner's prayer?"
just wondering ...
You guys have probably seen these...but I get countless laughs from these sites. It pains me to say that this is real, actual merchandise...yes, including underwear that inspires chastity ("wait-ware").
Beneath... no one was talking about the federal govt banning God in public places....
I am talking about "Christians" businesses who like to market inferior products (and make a buttload of money) to "sheepies" to purchase because they need "christian" clothes, music, nightlights, plates, candy and whatever else to help them isolate from the big bad world.
Wasn't there something about Jesus turning over tables in the temple where the "religious" were profiting off of God... I think I remember that somewhere.
And Peter... don't encourage Beneath... he already thinks he is funny enough...
P.S. Beneath - all kidding aside.. thanks for what you wrote on my "Dad" post... quite kind! I appreciated it.'s jesus here...oh...i mean....josh
yes it was me.
don't hate me.
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