Jesus Loves Porn Stars

From politics to porn in one week...only at Stupid Church People.
No doubt you have heard of XXXChurch and the way Craig and Mike over there are making a difference in their little corner of the web. Actually it isn't such a small corner as these guys have blown up and are doing some very, very innovative ministries within the porn industry. I mean, you can't get any more "controversial" than showing up at a porn convention in Los Angeles as a Christian and talking with people about Jesus and porn.
So the guys over at XXXChurch have some ideas. First, they are sponsoring National Porn Sunday, which they describe this way: "PornSunday seeks to drive the conversation about pornography in our churches, families and lives. PornSunday wants to bring healing and recovery to those struggling with pornography."
Second, they have put together an "R-rated" documentary entitled "Missionary Positions" chronicling their ministry and discussing the porn industry, the effects it is having on our culture and their experiences in dealing with "porn people".
Finally, and probably most adventurous, is a new venture called the "Trinity Project" which they hope to use to assist girls involved in the porn industry with help in getting out. Now this got my attention. The project is based on a girl that they have gotten to know named Trinity who currently works in porn but wants out. The guys are trying to develop assistance and programs to help these girls in tangible ways.
Now while we at SCP have often joked about things of this nature and had some fun with the topic of strippers and stuff, we wholeheartedly support the ministry of XXXChurch. They are doing and talking about things that the church should be involved with in our opinions. They are risking their reputations and ministry careers in serving a population of the world that the church just wants nothing to do with.
With the "Trinity Project", Craig and Mike have definitely taken XXXChurch to the next level. Here's a crisp dollar bill for each of you!
Agreed. I don't know why, but XXXchurch has never really weirded me out; I think they're such a refreshingly unashamed ministry that is really seeking to healthfully provoke and challenge the church to look at this issue. A lot of churches talk about pornography peripherally, and it certainly comes up in most accounterbation - I mean - accountability groups. But really, it's not being recognized for the influence it has.
These guys have a knack for skating the line between challenging and offensive, and I think that's just what the doctor ordered when it comes to porn.
Yes... in many ways this was for Josh. Maybe he will check my stuff out from time to time...if nothing else but for the pictures!
New potential XXX Church bumper stickers:
"Christians do it in small groups."
"Christians do it with Spirit."
"Christians do it on their knees."
"Christians do it..." Oh, never mind.
zeke: lol! Just what I needed on this tired Friday evening! :-)
Blessings & Peace,
While we all can appreciate the evangelistic boldness of XXXChurch, that boldness in itself does not justify all their methods. It is possible for one's methodology to undermine their message. I fear that this has happened to some extent with the XXXChurch. I have three blogs on this at my site:
I went to your site and read your posts. We are just going to disagree on this so I am going to let it go for now. I just don't have the energy this morning. I think the guys at XXXChurch are right on target with their mission and their methods.
But I do agree that it is possible for one's methodology to undermine their message...cause I used to be a Southern Baptist from Texas also. I look forward to continuing this dialogue on both our sites. Take care.
hey i just happened upon this site and as one who is addictedd to pornography it is my one fear and my one thing that would ever possibly ruin my relationship with my fiancee. xxxchurch is amazing and while some things may not agree with you they are doing a service that needs to be done. My stepfathers first marriage was ruined by pornography. the truth is that Jesus works in mysterious ways. today i love my stepfather and would never wish that he was not in my life. i just wish that porn did not have an influence on how he got here. i believe that he would be my stepfather no matter what. If you still think that porn is not that bad copy and paste this interview with ted bundy into you r browser
Pray for me and my struggle
I wouldn't be surprised if the XXX church is Ron Jeremeys creation and He financed big tobacco has anti smoking campaigns...
even the 700 club is in on this supporting XXXchurch
I rebuked Pat Roberson for supporting this evil…! he is wicked!
on 700 club..
Imagine showing up to church next sunday and finding a 30 foot high erect phallus on top of your church or in the church parking lot announcing a sermon series on Pornography. "Absurd and ridiculous", you say. "No Christian Church or Ministry would ever resort to something as shameful as a giant phallus", you say. Sadly, you'd be wrong. (Warning: Explicit Link)
According to Wally's Website:
Mike and Craig of XXXchurch dreamed up the idea of Wally one afternoon in sunny southern California. XXXchurch exists to bring awareness, openness, accountability and recovery to the church, society and individuals in the issues of pornography and to begin to provide solutions through non-judgmental and creative means.
the "way of the master" is against XXX church's dragging the church down and making it look bad, there is a blog on the way of the master,, radio where they say XXX church is real wrong..they show a video of XXXchurch's porn puppet and a porn producer Ron Jeremy telling children at a grocery store porn is not for children but is for adults,,, this is abomination check it out..
stumbled across your site while doing research for a sermon this weekend. Tommorrow night actually. Looking for stupid church rules. I'm teaching on galatians 3 and one of the points I'm addressing is legalism (besides faith and grace)I could'nt help but comment on XXX church. Their whole Starving Jesus thing is fantastic. I couldn't put the book down. More power to em'. Another great read you might like is Jesus In The Margins by Rick McKinley form Imago Dei Church in Portland.
Check out my blog at
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